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Wendy Taylor-Eardley paints landscapes and things of beauty in an impressionistic style, loving the texture, and appearance of oil as a medium.


A fan of early symbolist painters and impressionists, Wendy feels that we see visual metaphors all around us to help us make sense of our world or situation. Her artworks can simply celebrate beauty, times and places special to us but are often painted with the intention of providing greater meaning.


Wendy is an artist, graphic designer, teacher and mum. She recently returned to live in Old Colwyn to where she grew up and is ready for art to become more of a full time profession.


 Wedi ddysgu Cymraeg fel ail iaith, mae Wendy yn hapus i ysgrifennu a chyfathrebu yn y Gymraeg ac mae hi’n deall y pwysicrwydd iaith a threftadaeth Cymru i’r ardal.

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